

At NewLife, we invest in the lives of the next generation of believers. From infants to young adults, we provide education for spiritual growth during different developmental stages through the opportunities listed below and through our Faith Milestones. Our goal is to provide a safe and caring environment where children of all ages can grow in their faith, learn from God’s Word, and what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus. 

Children's Nursery

While we love to have children & families worshiping together on Sundays, we understand it can be difficult at times with small children. We provide infants and toddlers (through age 4) with a safe and loving environment in which they can play, be cuddled, fed or changed during our 10:30 AM worship service. Our nursery is staffed with workers and volunteers who have experience and passion to care for your child. 

Register your child(ren) by clicking here

Kids Church

During our 10:30 AM worship service, kids ~ Pre-K thru 5th grade ~ will experience Bible truths in ways they enjoy and understand. As kids dig into the Bible with creative activities & lessons, they’ll build relationships with one another, grow in their personal relationship with Jesus, and apply Biblical truths to their daily lives. 

Kids Church will begin a new school year on Sunday, September 8th! 

Register Here


YouthAction is open to all students in Grades 6-12 looking to build relationships with one another and follow Jesus more closely. 

In the 2024/2025 school year, this dynamic group of students will engage in the study of God’s Word together on Sunday mornings, called Foundations, beginning September 15th. In addition, these students have regular opportunities to serve and hang out for a variety of fun, youth-focused activities. 

5th Sunday Family Worship

NewLife will gather as one body of believers every 5th Sunday throughout the year at 10:30 AM in our Worship Center. We will not have our 9 AM worship service on 5th Sundays. These Sundays will include a special message for the children and an opportunity to come forward as a family to receive Holy Communion or a blessing. Our nursery will remain available for your littlest ones!