YouthAction students (6th-12th grades) gather together every Sunday at 9 AM in our Multi-Purpose Room for an hour of Bible study. During our time together, students discuss study questions, engage in video-based teachings, and share together in conversation, prayer, and discoveries. This year, our students will experience Jesus on a journey through the Gospels using the resource, God With Us.
Gather with other women from the comfort of your home for a virtual Bible study led by Deanna Rossow. These studies take place via Google Meets from 10 – 11 AM each Monday.
You’re invited to a time of friendship and fun on Wednesday mornings at NewLife. This group of ladies, affectionately known as “The WooHoo’s”, gather together from 10 AM – 12:30 PM for brunch, Bible study, and prayer.
Join us as we dive deeper into The Story using video-based teachings, Bible study and group discussion. Wednesdays at 6 PM in the multi-purpose room.
Retired pastor, Rev. Cliff Bira, is leading a Men’s Group and Bible study on Thursday evenings from 6:30 – 7:45 PM in the multipurpose room.
For additional information or any questions about the group studies available at NewLife, please contact the Church Office.
7235 Torrey Rd
Swartz Creek, MI 48473
Copyright 2021 NewLife Community Lutheran Church