

We at NewLife are a people who exist to serve others in becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ and in turn, lead others to Him.

We Believe:
  • All people matter to God
  • God places His family in community with one another and speaks to us through His Word—the Bible
  • God forgives our sins and strengthens our faith through His Word and sacraments of Baptism and Communion
  • The Holy Spirit equips God’s people with spiritual gifts to carry out His purpose to draw all people to Him
  • Prayer is necessary and vital in a Christian’s life
Our Church Affiliation

We are affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) headquartered in St. Louis and operate as an independent church among other member churches in the Genesee County area. We are connected to our church’s national headquarters through our District Office located in Ann Arbor. For more information on the LCMS, go to